Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: September 2021
Generated 01-Oct-2021 02:00 UTC

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2021
Total Hits 3835
Total Files 3054
Total Pages 523
Total Visits 384
Total KBytes 270713
Total Unique Sites 451
Total Unique URLs 75
Total Unique Referrers 19
Total Unique User Agents 115
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 5 428
Hits per Day 127 663
Files per Day 101 604
Pages per Day 17 41
Sites per Day 15 61
Visits per Day 12 25
KBytes per Day 9024 61794
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 79.63% 3054
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.91% 35
Code 404 - Not Found 19.45% 746

Daily usage for September 2021

Daily Statistics for September 2021
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 128 3.34% 94 3.08% 22 4.21% 14 3.65% 23 5.10% 8038 2.97%
2 87 2.27% 82 2.69% 16 3.06% 13 3.39% 15 3.33% 7598 2.81%
3 92 2.40% 31 1.02% 24 4.59% 15 3.91% 22 4.88% 1029 0.38%
4 13 0.34% 7 0.23% 7 1.34% 7 1.82% 10 2.22% 231 0.09%
5 28 0.73% 5 0.16% 5 0.96% 3 0.78% 8 1.77% 236 0.09%
6 74 1.93% 28 0.92% 16 3.06% 12 3.12% 15 3.33% 1504 0.56%
7 204 5.32% 199 6.52% 7 1.34% 6 1.56% 9 2.00% 21594 7.98%
8 48 1.25% 14 0.46% 14 2.68% 12 3.12% 15 3.33% 491 0.18%
9 663 17.29% 604 19.78% 41 7.84% 25 6.51% 61 13.53% 61794 22.83%
10 159 4.15% 136 4.45% 22 4.21% 14 3.65% 16 3.55% 10309 3.81%
11 102 2.66% 80 2.62% 24 4.59% 12 3.12% 15 3.33% 7526 2.78%
12 130 3.39% 88 2.88% 25 4.78% 20 5.21% 21 4.66% 2542 0.94%
13 91 2.37% 21 0.69% 16 3.06% 11 2.86% 12 2.66% 807 0.30%
14 15 0.39% 8 0.26% 8 1.53% 8 2.08% 12 2.66% 241 0.09%
15 106 2.76% 98 3.21% 14 2.68% 12 3.12% 17 3.77% 7916 2.92%
16 70 1.83% 43 1.41% 24 4.59% 18 4.69% 23 5.10% 1346 0.50%
17 39 1.02% 19 0.62% 17 3.25% 12 3.12% 14 3.10% 603 0.22%
18 58 1.51% 12 0.39% 14 2.68% 9 2.34% 15 3.33% 500 0.18%
19 96 2.50% 57 1.87% 22 4.21% 15 3.91% 13 2.88% 1689 0.62%
20 135 3.52% 116 3.80% 20 3.82% 15 3.91% 24 5.32% 12961 4.79%
21 482 12.57% 450 14.73% 28 5.35% 15 3.91% 23 5.10% 45418 16.78%
22 37 0.96% 28 0.92% 11 2.10% 10 2.60% 11 2.44% 706 0.26%
23 265 6.91% 242 7.92% 17 3.25% 15 3.91% 31 6.87% 22911 8.46%
24 153 3.99% 144 4.72% 13 2.49% 12 3.12% 20 4.43% 15297 5.65%
25 22 0.57% 16 0.52% 9 1.72% 7 1.82% 18 3.99% 1068 0.39%
26 23 0.60% 14 0.46% 7 1.34% 7 1.82% 20 4.43% 2242 0.83%
27 144 3.75% 96 3.14% 23 4.40% 17 4.43% 23 5.10% 8051 2.97%
28 138 3.60% 119 3.90% 26 4.97% 22 5.73% 33 7.32% 9436 3.49%
29 149 3.89% 146 4.78% 15 2.87% 12 3.12% 17 3.77% 14721 5.44%
30 84 2.19% 57 1.87% 16 3.06% 14 3.65% 33 7.32% 1907 0.70%

Hourly usage for September 2021

Hourly Statistics for September 2021
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 5 155 4.04% 3 95 3.11% 0 14 2.68% 273 8200 3.03%
1 5 177 4.62% 5 153 5.01% 0 19 3.63% 505 15161 5.60%
2 4 129 3.36% 2 89 2.91% 0 28 5.35% 275 8255 3.05%
3 9 288 7.51% 8 267 8.74% 1 34 6.50% 753 22597 8.35%
4 5 163 4.25% 3 98 3.21% 2 68 13.00% 103 3095 1.14%
5 4 123 3.21% 3 93 3.05% 0 23 4.40% 261 7845 2.90%
6 1 41 1.07% 0 14 0.46% 0 7 1.34% 39 1163 0.43%
7 3 94 2.45% 1 42 1.38% 1 30 5.74% 48 1425 0.53%
8 2 64 1.67% 0 26 0.85% 0 16 3.06% 28 830 0.31%
9 3 92 2.40% 2 62 2.03% 0 11 2.10% 57 1703 0.63%
10 3 101 2.63% 3 91 2.98% 0 11 2.10% 262 7862 2.90%
11 1 40 1.04% 0 12 0.39% 0 10 1.91% 14 413 0.15%
12 6 189 4.93% 5 161 5.27% 0 22 4.21% 567 17009 6.28%
13 6 196 5.11% 3 118 3.86% 0 21 4.02% 304 9113 3.37%
14 0 25 0.65% 0 13 0.43% 0 5 0.96% 12 365 0.13%
15 2 67 1.75% 1 45 1.47% 0 14 2.68% 191 5717 2.11%
16 1 51 1.33% 0 8 0.26% 0 11 2.10% 13 392 0.14%
17 4 133 3.47% 3 102 3.34% 1 30 5.74% 271 8125 3.00%
18 4 124 3.23% 3 109 3.57% 0 19 3.63% 285 8536 3.15%
19 8 258 6.73% 8 246 8.06% 0 22 4.21% 773 23187 8.57%
20 4 149 3.89% 4 122 3.99% 0 19 3.63% 309 9256 3.42%
21 1 33 0.86% 0 16 0.52% 0 17 3.25% 27 803 0.30%
22 8 244 6.36% 7 217 7.11% 1 44 8.41% 569 17074 6.31%
23 29 899 23.44% 28 855 28.00% 0 28 5.35% 3086 92584 34.20%

Top 30 of 75 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 439 11.45% 13134 4.85% /
2 57 1.49% 259 0.10% /assets/images/logo-small-80x80.png
3 52 1.36% 42 0.02% /assets/facebook-plugin/facebook-script.js
4 50 1.30% 1134 0.42% /assets/tether/tether.min.js
5 49 1.28% 2423 0.90% /assets/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-grid.min.css
6 49 1.28% 3430 1.27% /assets/datepicker/jquery.datetimepicker.full.js
7 49 1.28% 432 0.16% /assets/dropdown/js/nav-dropdown.js
8 49 1.28% 68 0.03% /assets/facebook-plugin/style.css
9 49 1.28% 485 0.18% /assets/formoid/formoid.min.js
10 49 1.28% 728 0.27% /assets/parallax/jarallax.min.js
11 49 1.28% 1033 0.38% /assets/theme/js/script.js
12 48 1.25% 2815 1.04% /assets/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js
13 48 1.25% 903 0.33% /assets/formstyler/jquery.formstyler.js
14 48 1.25% 957 0.35% /assets/touchswipe/jquery.touch-swipe.min.js
15 48 1.25% 408 0.15% /assets/web/assets/mobirise-icons2/mobirise2.css
16 47 1.23% 828 0.31% /assets/formstyler/jquery.formstyler.min.js
17 47 1.23% 872 0.32% /assets/popper/popper.min.js
18 47 1.23% 712 0.26% /assets/socicon/css/styles.css
19 47 1.23% 4019 1.48% /assets/web/assets/jquery/jquery.min.js
20 46 1.20% 119 0.04% /assets/dropdown/js/navbar-dropdown.js
21 46 1.20% 97 0.04% /assets/formstyler/jquery.formstyler.css
22 46 1.20% 2199 0.81% /assets/mobirise/css/mbr-additional.css
23 46 1.20% 340 0.13% /assets/smoothscroll/smooth-scroll.js
24 46 1.20% 11 0.00% /assets/tether/tether.min.css
25 46 1.20% 765 0.28% /assets/theme/css/style.css
26 45 1.17% 725 0.27% /assets/datepicker/jquery.datetimepicker.min.css
27 45 1.17% 343 0.13% /assets/dropdown/css/style.css
28 45 1.17% 498 0.18% /assets/formstyler/jquery.formstyler.theme.css
29 43 1.12% 164 0.06% /assets/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-reboot.min.css
30 43 1.12% 6731 2.49% /assets/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css

Top 10 of 75 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 39 1.02% 14632 5.40% /assets/images/untitled-16-1900x1200.jpg
2 34 0.89% 13969 5.16% /assets/images/mbr-1920x1436.jpg
3 37 0.96% 13824 5.11% /assets/images/untitled-12-1900x1200.jpg
4 439 11.45% 13134 4.85% /
5 37 0.96% 11177 4.13% /assets/images/untitled-3-1900x1200.jpg
6 34 0.89% 10584 3.91% /assets/images/untitled-14-1900x1200.jpg
7 34 0.89% 10436 3.85% /assets/images/untitled-10-1900x1200.jpg
8 34 0.89% 9761 3.61% /assets/images/untitled-4-1900x1200.jpg
9 35 0.91% 9753 3.60% /assets/images/untitled-2-1900x1200.jpg
10 35 0.91% 9183 3.39% /assets/images/untitled-7-1900x1200.jpg

Top 2 of 2 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 439 11.45% 347 94.29% /
2 40 1.04% 21 5.71% /commitments.html

Top 3 of 3 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 439 11.45% 347 93.53% /
2 40 1.04% 23 6.20% /commitments.html
3 1 0.03% 1 0.27% /soon.html

Top 30 of 451 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 428 11.16% 427 13.98% 44713 16.52% 1 0.26%
2 332 8.66% 331 10.84% 35814 13.23% 4 1.04%
3 77 2.01% 71 2.32% 8561 3.16% 1 0.26%
4 72 1.88% 53 1.74% 5198 1.92% 1 0.26%
5 71 1.85% 67 2.19% 8416 3.11% 1 0.26%
6 68 1.77% 67 2.19% 7190 2.66% 2 0.52%
7 68 1.77% 68 2.23% 7210 2.66% 1 0.26%
8 67 1.75% 67 2.19% 7205 2.66% 1 0.26%
9 67 1.75% 67 2.19% 7181 2.65% 1 0.26%
10 67 1.75% 67 2.19% 7205 2.66% 1 0.26%
11 66 1.72% 66 2.16% 7175 2.65% 1 0.26%
12 66 1.72% 66 2.16% 7155 2.64% 1 0.26%
13 66 1.72% 66 2.16% 7182 2.65% 1 0.26%
14 65 1.69% 65 2.13% 7151 2.64% 1 0.26%
15 65 1.69% 65 2.13% 7151 2.64% 1 0.26%
16 65 1.69% 65 2.13% 7151 2.64% 1 0.26%
17 65 1.69% 65 2.13% 7151 2.64% 1 0.26%
18 65 1.69% 65 2.13% 7151 2.64% 1 0.26%
19 65 1.69% 65 2.13% 7151 2.64% 1 0.26%
20 65 1.69% 65 2.13% 7151 2.64% 1 0.26%
21 65 1.69% 65 2.13% 7151 2.64% 1 0.26%
22 65 1.69% 65 2.13% 7151 2.64% 1 0.26%
23 58 1.51% 58 1.90% 1493 0.55% 2 0.52%
24 46 1.20% 41 1.34% 983 0.36% 15 3.91%
25 46 1.20% 0 0.00% 162 0.06% 1 0.26%
26 39 1.02% 35 1.15% 1168 0.43% 11 2.86%
27 37 0.96% 4 0.13% 240 0.09% 2 0.52%
28 33 0.86% 27 0.88% 961 0.35% 11 2.86%
29 31 0.81% 31 1.02% 834 0.31% 1 0.26%
30 31 0.81% 31 1.02% 834 0.31% 1 0.26%

Top 10 of 451 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 428 11.16% 427 13.98% 44713 16.52% 1 0.26%
2 332 8.66% 331 10.84% 35814 13.23% 4 1.04%
3 77 2.01% 71 2.32% 8561 3.16% 1 0.26%
4 71 1.85% 67 2.19% 8416 3.11% 1 0.26%
5 68 1.77% 68 2.23% 7210 2.66% 1 0.26%
6 67 1.75% 67 2.19% 7205 2.66% 1 0.26%
7 67 1.75% 67 2.19% 7205 2.66% 1 0.26%
8 68 1.77% 67 2.19% 7190 2.66% 2 0.52%
9 66 1.72% 66 2.16% 7182 2.65% 1 0.26%
10 67 1.75% 67 2.19% 7181 2.65% 1 0.26%

Top 10 of 19 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 1274 33.22% - (Direct Request)
2 46 1.20%
3 15 0.39%
4 14 0.37%
5 5 0.13%
6 4 0.10%
7 2 0.05%
8 2 0.05%
9 1 0.03%
10 1 0.03%

Top 15 of 115 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 426 11.11% 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DuckDuckBot-Https/1.1;'
2 325 8.47% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.82 Safari/537.36
3 217 5.66% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4240.193 Safari/537.36
4 210 5.48% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_7_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.2 Mobile/15E14
5 195 5.08% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.0 Safari/537.36
6 146 3.81% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36
7 138 3.60% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.63 Safari/537.36
8 109 2.84% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;PetalBot;+
9 97 2.53% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
10 87 2.27% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36
11 84 2.19% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
12 69 1.80% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/534+ (KHTML, like Gecko) BingPreview/1.0b
13 68 1.77% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.159 Safari/537.36
14 67 1.75% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.3 Safari/605.1.15
15 67 1.75% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.82 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for September 2021

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 3835 100.00% 3054 100.00% 270713 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.20