Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: December 2020
Generated 01-Jan-2021 02:00 UTC

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for December 2020
Total Hits 2821
Total Files 2077
Total Pages 345
Total Visits 226
Total KBytes 174470
Total Unique Sites 178
Total Unique URLs 57
Total Unique Referrers 19
Total Unique User Agents 95
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 3 295
Hits per Day 91 434
Files per Day 67 348
Pages per Day 11 44
Sites per Day 5 17
Visits per Day 7 14
KBytes per Day 5628 34522
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 73.63% 2077
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.18% 5
Code 304 - Not Modified 6.74% 190
Code 404 - Not Found 19.46% 549

Daily usage for December 2020

Daily Statistics for December 2020
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 335 11.88% 316 15.21% 13 3.77% 11 4.87% 13 7.30% 34522 19.79%
2 204 7.23% 201 9.68% 9 2.61% 9 3.98% 12 6.74% 21293 12.20%
3 47 1.67% 28 1.35% 8 2.32% 4 1.77% 5 2.81% 2311 1.32%
4 15 0.53% 14 0.67% 2 0.58% 2 0.88% 3 1.69% 399 0.23%
5 77 2.73% 56 2.70% 6 1.74% 4 1.77% 7 3.93% 5984 3.43%
6 121 4.29% 92 4.43% 28 8.12% 10 4.42% 16 8.99% 2347 1.35%
7 99 3.51% 96 4.62% 7 2.03% 7 3.10% 14 7.87% 7028 4.03%
8 434 15.38% 348 16.75% 44 12.75% 14 6.19% 14 7.87% 32764 18.78%
9 55 1.95% 50 2.41% 11 3.19% 6 2.65% 7 3.93% 2989 1.71%
10 100 3.54% 10 0.48% 9 2.61% 6 2.65% 8 4.49% 569 0.33%
11 133 4.71% 131 6.31% 9 2.61% 8 3.54% 9 5.06% 12343 7.07%
12 67 2.38% 60 2.89% 7 2.03% 5 2.21% 5 2.81% 6631 3.80%
13 13 0.46% 8 0.39% 8 2.32% 8 3.54% 10 5.62% 235 0.13%
14 197 6.98% 122 5.87% 13 3.77% 8 3.54% 13 7.30% 14572 8.35%
15 107 3.79% 87 4.19% 16 4.64% 12 5.31% 17 9.55% 7328 4.20%
16 15 0.53% 11 0.53% 10 2.90% 8 3.54% 10 5.62% 435 0.25%
17 64 2.27% 11 0.53% 8 2.32% 6 2.65% 7 3.93% 1154 0.66%
18 9 0.32% 7 0.34% 6 1.74% 6 2.65% 7 3.93% 174 0.10%
19 11 0.39% 6 0.29% 6 1.74% 6 2.65% 11 6.18% 180 0.10%
20 29 1.03% 27 1.30% 6 1.74% 4 1.77% 7 3.93% 654 0.38%
21 87 3.08% 47 2.26% 18 5.22% 11 4.87% 12 6.74% 1341 0.77%
22 39 1.38% 35 1.69% 5 1.45% 5 2.21% 7 3.93% 859 0.49%
23 38 1.35% 36 1.73% 5 1.45% 4 1.77% 5 2.81% 1542 0.88%
24 72 2.55% 15 0.72% 15 4.35% 9 3.98% 11 6.18% 608 0.35%
25 5 0.18% 4 0.19% 4 1.16% 4 1.77% 5 2.81% 112 0.06%
26 80 2.84% 39 1.88% 11 3.19% 7 3.10% 12 6.74% 1001 0.57%
27 121 4.29% 78 3.76% 14 4.06% 10 4.42% 9 5.06% 6537 3.75%
28 69 2.45% 28 1.35% 14 4.06% 10 4.42% 10 5.62% 886 0.51%
29 122 4.32% 81 3.90% 21 6.09% 12 5.31% 13 7.30% 6643 3.81%
30 33 1.17% 13 0.63% 9 2.61% 7 3.10% 7 3.93% 413 0.24%
31 23 0.82% 20 0.96% 3 0.87% 3 1.33% 9 5.06% 616 0.35%

Hourly usage for December 2020

Hourly Statistics for December 2020
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1 56 1.99% 0 15 0.72% 0 15 4.35% 22 681 0.39%
1 2 88 3.12% 2 70 3.37% 0 8 2.32% 205 6367 3.65%
2 8 252 8.93% 7 243 11.70% 0 18 5.22% 795 24643 14.12%
3 3 95 3.37% 1 57 2.74% 0 14 4.06% 66 2053 1.18%
4 2 67 2.38% 2 64 3.08% 0 9 2.61% 206 6387 3.66%
5 12 391 13.86% 9 306 14.73% 1 43 12.46% 898 27852 15.96%
6 0 9 0.32% 0 8 0.39% 0 8 2.32% 6 201 0.12%
7 0 19 0.67% 0 10 0.48% 0 9 2.61% 11 351 0.20%
8 1 37 1.31% 1 33 1.59% 0 11 3.19% 24 757 0.43%
9 1 35 1.24% 0 12 0.58% 0 12 3.48% 13 406 0.23%
10 1 57 2.02% 1 39 1.88% 0 7 2.03% 54 1680 0.96%
11 0 16 0.57% 0 12 0.58% 0 12 3.48% 11 333 0.19%
12 4 142 5.03% 3 121 5.83% 0 17 4.93% 388 12021 6.89%
13 2 67 2.38% 1 42 2.02% 0 15 4.35% 37 1154 0.66%
14 9 279 9.89% 4 136 6.55% 0 12 3.48% 434 13444 7.71%
15 3 123 4.36% 2 80 3.85% 0 15 4.35% 214 6626 3.80%
16 1 56 1.99% 1 32 1.54% 0 10 2.90% 31 950 0.54%
17 1 57 2.02% 0 30 1.44% 0 13 3.77% 30 923 0.53%
18 7 246 8.72% 6 207 9.97% 0 18 5.22% 665 20614 11.82%
19 3 119 4.22% 3 113 5.44% 0 11 3.19% 382 11856 6.80%
20 3 120 4.25% 3 115 5.54% 0 9 2.61% 296 9176 5.26%
21 7 223 7.90% 3 112 5.39% 0 30 8.70% 369 11442 6.56%
22 6 192 6.81% 5 171 8.23% 0 15 4.35% 430 13342 7.65%
23 2 75 2.66% 1 49 2.36% 0 14 4.06% 39 1210 0.69%

Top 30 of 57 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 295 10.46% 7677 4.40% /
2 59 2.09% 241 0.14% /assets/images/logo-small-80x80.png
3 51 1.81% 408 0.23% /assets/web/assets/mobirise-icons2/mobirise2.css
4 47 1.67% 435 0.25% /assets/formoid/formoid.min.js
5 46 1.63% 2126 1.22% /assets/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-grid.min.css
6 46 1.63% 164 0.09% /assets/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-reboot.min.css
7 46 1.63% 693 0.40% /assets/datepicker/jquery.datetimepicker.min.css
8 46 1.63% 335 0.19% /assets/dropdown/css/style.css
9 46 1.63% 1993 1.14% /assets/mobirise/css/mbr-additional.css
10 45 1.60% 60 0.03% /assets/facebook-plugin/style.css
11 45 1.60% 952 0.55% /assets/tether/tether.min.js
12 44 1.56% 6418 3.68% /assets/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css
13 44 1.56% 89 0.05% /assets/formstyler/jquery.formstyler.css
14 44 1.56% 771 0.44% /assets/formstyler/jquery.formstyler.js
15 44 1.56% 609 0.35% /assets/parallax/jarallax.min.js
16 44 1.56% 761 0.44% /assets/popper/popper.min.js
17 44 1.56% 9 0.01% /assets/tether/tether.min.css
18 44 1.56% 864 0.50% /assets/theme/js/script.js
19 44 1.56% 3583 2.05% /assets/web/assets/jquery/jquery.min.js
20 43 1.52% 2345 1.34% /assets/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js
21 43 1.52% 353 0.20% /assets/dropdown/js/nav-dropdown.js
22 43 1.52% 103 0.06% /assets/dropdown/js/navbar-dropdown.js
23 43 1.52% 442 0.25% /assets/formstyler/jquery.formstyler.theme.css
24 43 1.52% 296 0.17% /assets/smoothscroll/smooth-scroll.js
25 43 1.52% 621 0.36% /assets/socicon/css/styles.css
26 43 1.52% 665 0.38% /assets/theme/css/style.css
27 43 1.52% 797 0.46% /assets/touchswipe/jquery.touch-swipe.min.js
28 42 1.49% 2730 1.56% /assets/datepicker/jquery.datetimepicker.full.js
29 42 1.49% 32 0.02% /assets/facebook-plugin/facebook-script.js
30 42 1.49% 687 0.39% /assets/formstyler/jquery.formstyler.min.js

Top 10 of 57 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 33 1.17% 11914 6.83% /assets/images/mbr-1920x1436.jpg
2 33 1.17% 11454 6.57% /assets/images/untitled-12-1900x1200.jpg
3 29 1.03% 9491 5.44% /assets/images/untitled-16-1900x1200.jpg
4 33 1.17% 9028 5.17% /assets/images/untitled-14-1900x1200.jpg
5 31 1.10% 7751 4.44% /assets/images/untitled-4-1900x1200.jpg
6 295 10.46% 7677 4.40% /
7 29 1.03% 7664 4.39% /assets/images/untitled-3-1900x1200.jpg
8 29 1.03% 7366 4.22% /assets/images/untitled-10-1900x1200.jpg
9 29 1.03% 7093 4.07% /assets/images/untitled-2-1900x1200.jpg
10 32 1.13% 7004 4.01% /assets/images/mbr-1066x1920.jpg

Top 2 of 2 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 295 10.46% 223 99.11% /
2 33 1.17% 2 0.89% /commitments.html

Top 2 of 2 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 295 10.46% 211 94.62% /
2 33 1.17% 12 5.38% /commitments.html

Top 30 of 178 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 422 14.96% 270 13.00% 28498 16.33% 6 2.65%
2 153 5.42% 153 7.37% 17322 9.93% 3 1.33%
3 132 4.68% 68 3.27% 6874 3.94% 3 1.33%
4 90 3.19% 90 4.33% 8541 4.90% 2 0.88%
5 85 3.01% 82 3.95% 1881 1.08% 10 4.42%
6 78 2.76% 71 3.42% 1628 0.93% 11 4.87%
7 72 2.55% 0 0.00% 254 0.15% 0 0.00%
8 62 2.20% 58 2.79% 5904 3.38% 1 0.44%
9 61 2.16% 54 2.60% 1495 0.86% 14 6.19%
10 57 2.02% 54 2.60% 6479 3.71% 1 0.44%
11 56 1.99% 55 2.65% 5882 3.37% 1 0.44%
12 56 1.99% 50 2.41% 1521 0.87% 9 3.98%
13 52 1.84% 52 2.50% 5779 3.31% 1 0.44%
14 51 1.81% 51 2.46% 5774 3.31% 1 0.44%
15 51 1.81% 51 2.46% 5774 3.31% 1 0.44%
16 51 1.81% 51 2.46% 5774 3.31% 1 0.44%
17 51 1.81% 51 2.46% 5774 3.31% 1 0.44%
18 51 1.81% 51 2.46% 5774 3.31% 1 0.44%
19 51 1.81% 51 2.46% 5774 3.31% 1 0.44%
20 51 1.81% 51 2.46% 5774 3.31% 1 0.44%
21 51 1.81% 51 2.46% 5774 3.31% 1 0.44%
22 51 1.81% 51 2.46% 5774 3.31% 1 0.44%
23 43 1.52% 7 0.34% 317 0.18% 3 1.33%
24 42 1.49% 6 0.29% 290 0.17% 2 0.88%
25 42 1.49% 7 0.34% 313 0.18% 3 1.33%
26 40 1.42% 6 0.29% 283 0.16% 2 0.88%
27 39 1.38% 39 1.88% 2836 1.63% 1 0.44%
28 39 1.38% 39 1.88% 2697 1.55% 1 0.44%
29 36 1.28% 30 1.44% 889 0.51% 10 4.42%
30 33 1.17% 33 1.59% 1454 0.83% 1 0.44%

Top 10 of 178 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 422 14.96% 270 13.00% 28498 16.33% 6 2.65%
2 153 5.42% 153 7.37% 17322 9.93% 3 1.33%
3 90 3.19% 90 4.33% 8541 4.90% 2 0.88%
4 132 4.68% 68 3.27% 6874 3.94% 3 1.33%
5 57 2.02% 54 2.60% 6479 3.71% 1 0.44%
6 62 2.20% 58 2.79% 5904 3.38% 1 0.44%
7 56 1.99% 55 2.65% 5882 3.37% 1 0.44%
8 52 1.84% 52 2.50% 5779 3.31% 1 0.44%
9 51 1.81% 51 2.46% 5774 3.31% 1 0.44%
10 51 1.81% 51 2.46% 5774 3.31% 1 0.44%

Top 6 of 19 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 778 27.58% - (Direct Request)
2 74 2.62%
3 18 0.64%
4 9 0.32%
5 2 0.07% android-app://
6 1 0.04%

Top 15 of 95 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 206 7.30% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; MRD-LX1F) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.101 Mobile Safari/537.36
2 160 5.67% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4240.193 Safari/537.36
3 155 5.49% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36
4 154 5.46% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.1 Mobile/15E148
5 153 5.42% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_7 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.1.2 Mobile/15E148
6 126 4.47% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36
7 119 4.22% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; Googlebot/2.1; + Chrome/87.0.42
8 93 3.30% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.14; rv:83.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/83.0
9 92 3.26% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
10 90 3.19% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; Nokia 3.1 Plus) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.127 Mobile Safari/537.
11 83 2.94% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36
12 72 2.55% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11_1_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36
13 72 2.55% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:83.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/83.0
14 70 2.48% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.90 Mobile S
15 66 2.34% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; MRD-LX1F) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.86 Mobile Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for December 2020

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 2821 100.00% 2082 100.24% 174470 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.20